Hey Brethren:
Wow, this is a breakthrough for me. It's been a long time since I have written and God has told me to wake up and get to work. I apologize for the time lost in teaching you how to tell a soul about our creator and Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that it hasn't hindered you from using what I already have taught and that you have received enough information to get you started on your journey of fulfilling the commission given us by our Lord to preach, saying the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
I am presently living in Madera, Calif. and fellowshiping with Brethren at a Pentecostal Church. We have recently started going out on the streets and preaching to the homeless. I am currently trying to get a newsletter together that I can take around to the homes in Madera and share the Gospel simply by introduction and invitation to come to church. More about how to do that later, right now I want to talk to you about getting started witnessing by reaching out to the homeless.
Witnessing to the homeless is one of the greatest ways to practice your evangelism outreach. Even if you are afraid to talk to someone about Christ, or you are shy or timid about talking to anyone about anything, the homeless are a great way to break through that inhibition.
Why? Because, think about it, what homeless person doesn't have any inhibition to come to you and ask for money, or something to eat or cigarettes or whatever they want. Most homeless will listen to you tell them about anything if they think they can get something for their boldness. If you don't immediately say, "No", to their asking, then they immediately assume they have another sucker on the hook, so they will patiently appear to be interested in what you want to say, no matter what you want to say.
Never forget the verse in Isaiah 55:11, "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth, it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it". You are God's vessel and the Word of God that comes out of your mouth is the way the Holy Spirit is sending the word that comes from God's mouth.
This verse is telling us that its not our job to convince them or change their mind. Our only job is to share the word of God and let God accomplish that which He pleases and let Him make it prosper in the thing He has inspired you to send it to. If you think about it, that takes all the stress and worry out of witnessing, evangelizing and sharing.
So I have developed several ways I respond to the homeless adage, "Do you have any spare....."?
First, let me say that, I try to always keep a few Gospel tracts on me and you should too. So when they come up to me and ask for something, depending on the Spirits leading, one of the responses I will give is, "I'll tell you what, I don't normally give money, but I am willing to buy you something to eat, if you will do something for me"? This immediately will tell you whether they really want to eat or if they are just raising money to buy drugs or alcohol. If they just want money then I say, "No I'm sorry, but I want you to know that God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten son Jesus, to die for you that you might have life and life more abundantly so that you could have a better life than walking the streets begging for money". Then I will offer them a tract to read and let the Holy Spirit lead in the conversation.
Usually though, they will agree to do something for me if I buy them something to eat. That is when, again, according to the Holy Spirit's leading, I will take a tract and say, "If you will read this tract to me, which only takes about two minutes, and tell me what you think it says, I will buy you something to eat". Whether they will or they won't, it doesn't matter, because the conversation has opened the door for you to witness or quote one Bible verse which is the word that came out of God's mouth and won't return unto Him void.
So this week, if you are approached by a begging homeless person, practice this. When you get up everyday say a quick prayer that God will inspire you to have the tools of Biblical wisdom to use should anyone approach you. If you don't know scripture, memorize a verse, even a short verse that you can quote and God can use to accomplish and prosper.
Next week I will share another technique I use that might give you an idea to use in witnessing to homeless people.
If anyone needs tracts, please contact me at fbevangelist@yahoo.com or write me at Tellasoul. Tracts are free of charge, we never charge for the Gospel. Or you can order your own tracts from the Fellowshiptractleague.
Please feel free to read my other blog Yosemiteriverrat
God bless you as you witness and build rewards in Heaven.
The Evangelist Brother Bill