For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:10,11.
I would like to caution you about what to order when ordering tracts. I prefer to find ministries that don't sell their tracts. That doesn't mean you should order them and not be willing to send a fair offering. The fellowship tract league boasts on their website that they never refuse to send tracts because someone can't pay and they go on to tell you what it costs to make each tract which gives you an idea of an offering to send that is fair. Another thing I like about the ftl ministry is that their website allows you to look at each tract and read it before you order. This is something you should always do. I have ordered tracts from ministries that once I received them and read them, I didn't want to pass them out because I didn't feel it portrayed the gospel as I understand it to be correct. For instance, I like to order tracts from Liberty Gospel. They are a Baptist ministry and have some great no frills or flashy print tracts. I love calling them when I order because they always have some sweet little older sister in Christ who answers the phone and is just old world gospel hearted. They have one tract that preaches about why its a sin to have drums in the music service at church and they have another tract about how you shouldn't sing or play the new praise and worship music that most churches have adopted and have canned the old gospel hymns. I prefer the old hymns myself and it bums me out that I can't find a church in my area that still sings them. I also don't agree that God loves pianos but hates drums and I don't think its a topic we need to lay on someone who is in need of a Saviour. Another time I wanted to witness to Jehovah's witnesses and I was going to order a tract that sounded like something no JW could deny. First I got a JW New world translation bible and looked that verse this tract used and they had completely deleted most of that verse. My King James Bible used all of that verse. So I started researching commentaries on that verse and found that it is a very controvercial verse and that almost all Biblical scholars agree that the end of that verse was originally in a side note of the greek manuscript and not in the actual manuscript. You need to do some research and if you have questions about certain tracts, don't be afraid to ask your Pastor or someone you feel really studies the word in depth, what their take on it is.
Actually, I should have mentioned this fact first, PRAY ABOUT IT BEFORE YOU EVEN START LOOKING. The Holy Spirit will guide you into the truth and direct you to what He wants you to use. A tract that I don't think is gangbusters might be what God wants you to have and distribute. God knows where you are going to distribute those tracts and so He knows what will reach those people's hearts.
Most ministries, even the ones that sell tracts, will send you a sample pack, for free. This gives you the chance to look them over and pray about them.
I have recently been getting tracts from living waters ministry. They aren't free although if you get their weekly newsletter via email, they will send you weekly deals. Although this ministry sells their tracts, I still buy them because they have really interesting, eye catching tracts that people can't resist reading when they get one. They also have a lot of freebies that they will send you links to if you contact them. Also, this ministry is doing more for promoting the Gospel than any church I've been to in years and if you are serious about learning how to witness, you need to sign up for their weekly newsletter. Some Christians will tell you that Ray Comfort is preaching a saved by works gospel. But personally, I think that the ones that are trashing Ray have some issues of their own they should be praying about. Research their ministry and see what they offer in promoting the Gospel and pray about it. I love the way this brother approaches people on the street and leads them into a conversation about Christ and I watch the little street witnessing video clips every week so that I can try to perfect his method. I've seen this brother engage white supremist atheists who are radical when they start talking, into a conversation, and completely calm that man down and lead him into a senseable conversation about the plan of Salvation. I've seen him talk to hardcore pro-choice advocates and by the end of the conversation, they are pro-life. We can all learn from this brother. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not pushing Living Waters Ministry and trying to get anyone to be a follower of Ray Comfort, so don't delete this blog from your favorites. My soul intentions with this blog are to show you ways that you can share the gospel. That is why prayer is so important when ordering tracts. We need to listen to God and not others who can always tell you what's wrong with another ministry and why you shouldn't have anything to do with it. You might be missing a real blessing that God wants you to receive.
One more thing, pray about how many tracts you should order at first. Getting ten tracts that you actually send out or give to others does more good than a thousand tracts that sit in your closet or the trunk of your car. Set a goal even if it's as little as leaving one tract somewhere a day. God will bless you for it, but be real with yourself.
So I hope this gives you some pointers on getting started with your tract ministry. I will be totally blessed to hear from you on how you are doing and remember, you can always contact me and request tracts. I will send you a sample pack of what I like to use and you pray about it and if you need more, let me know. They will be free of charge even if I paid for them, the Lord provides. Till next week!
Brother Bill
Below are some more links and please feel free to check out my other blog,
The life and adventures of a Yosemite river rat
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Tract ministries:
Fellowship tract league
Living Waters
Liberty Gospel Tracts
hi bill... joe Onzo... couldnt select comment as... Eric below, so...