Monday, September 23, 2013

Romans 5:12 revisited

Hey Brethren:

Romans 5:12, "Wherefore, as by one man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, in that all have sinned".

I wanted to talk a little about this verse and give you something to think about.  In witnessing, I have made what I now consider, a mistake, and have many times used this verse to prove what I was saying.  Many, many times I have told unbelievers that the reason they were sinners and going to hell if they didn't know Christ was because Adam and Eve sinned and as a result, we were all sentenced to hell because of their sin.  On the day of judgement, we will not be judged according to Adam's sin, but will be judged according to our sins.  Adam and Eve's sin brought the sentence of death upon all of mankind.  Originally we were designed and created to live forever but Adam's sin changed that.  God even warned Adam that if he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would surely die (Gen. 2:17) and after Adam ate of the tree, God passed sentence upon man that he would no longer live forever but return unto the dust from where he came. (Gen. 3:19). 

To tell someone that they will be judged according to Adam's sin is to tell them that they will be judged because of what they are (mankind) and not because of what they do.  We are not going to be judged for the sin someone did thousands of years ago, but we will be judged for the sins we individually do.  I think this has to do with a lot of why we don't see repentance among millions of Christians, because they don't really see themselves as sinners.  They see the first Adam as the sinner who did all the sinning for them and the last Adam (Jesus Christ) took care of all the rest which leaves them thinking that they have done no wrong and believing that repentance merely means accepting Christ and going on in life just like they have always lived.

I will stop right here today.  I would ask you to pray about this.  This subject can be shocking to some and cause a lot of Christians to pull out the, "legalism" or "saved by works" card, so to speak.  But let me tell you,  I personally have butchered the Gospel in both teaching it and living it.  For years I drank Jack Daniels, snorted crank, swore like a drunken sailor, committed adultery and sinned almost every way imaginable and had no conviction because I believed that Adam did the sinning and Christ died so that I could be saved by grace and had no moral conviction to repent of my sins.  I don't believe in salvation by works, but I do believe that when Christ commanded us to repent, He wanted us to turn towards God in our mind and heart as well as our lifestyle.

God bless you till next time,
Brother Bill
aka River Rat

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Romans 5:12

Hey Brethren:

Sometimes it seems that no matter how much you know something, when the time comes to share that knowledge, your mind just goes blank.  At least mine does and it seems to be more the case, the older I get!  That's why it is very important that we pray before we head out to witness.  That is also why it is important that we pray before we leave home for work or play each day.  God's word promises us that we will receive His knowledge, wisdom and understanding when we need it to do His work.

I mentioned earlier that if you are fumbling around looking for a verse when you are talking to someone about the Lord, you can possibly lose their interest.  That can be true, but I should also mention that I believe that if God has called that person and you are the one that God wants to use to reach them, it's really nothing to worry about.  I've had times witnessing, when it seemed like I couldn't have messed up anymore, but have found out later, (sometimes years later) that something I said, touched that person's heart and helped them to make a decision to accept Christ.  Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord"  I believe that God really wants us to just be obedient to Christ and He will take it from there.

Something I do with this Roman highway plan is write the next verse number to be shared under the verse I am sharing so that I know where to go next.  Some people don't like to write in their Bibles, but I'm not like that.  So with this Roman Highway, we know that all the verses are in Romans.  If we can at least remember that the first verse is Romans 3:10 then we can go there and see what we have written down as the next verse, which will give us a guide.  So in my Bible, under Romans 3:10, I have written, 3:23 and under Romans 3:23 I have written today's verse, 5:12 and so on. 

The topic I use for today's verse is, "By one man".  Again, this is what I choose for a topic, you are free to pick or choose whatever helps you to remember the verse.  So I say to myself when I am memorizing, "By one man, Romans 5:12, Wherefore, as by one man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Romans 5:12."

I realize that you aren't always going to have your Bible with you.  Which is just one reason why we should memorize scripture so that we have God's word written on our heart.
Although in this day and age, with most cell phones, we can get a Bible app which enables you to have scripture at our fingertips with a touch of a button.  That is one of the beautiful things about the age of technology that we live in.  It's also why I'm not buying it when I see a brother or sister in Christ who tells me they just can't find time to read God's word, and as they say that, their fingers are wrapped around a $300 Iphone!  If you can find time to facebook and text the world to let them know you just waited a half hour in a drive through trying to get a big mac, enough said!   I thank God that I can hardly make a phone call with my Iphone or I'd be on that thing all the time doing everything but what God wants me to do.  That is why everyone that is reading this should take a moment and thank God with me that we are all a greatly blessed, highly favored, imperfect, but forgiven child of God.

Pray for me brethren and I will do the same for you. 

Phillipians 4:23  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  Amen.

Brother Bill
Aka: River rat

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Romans 3:23

Hey everyone:

I hope you have been trying to memorize our verse from last week.  Romans 3:10.  If not, please do.  Its always amazing to me how many people and churches want to see a revival in America and some will pray for laborers, but very few want to be the laborers.  If you saw a blind man about to walk off the edge of the grand canyon, would you try to stop him, or would you pray that God would send someone to reach out to him and let him know he is about to plummet to his death?

That analogy fits every Christian who prays for revival and laborers but isn't willing to lift a finger to help sinners see that they are going to spend eternity in hell if they don't accept Jesus Christ and follow Him.  Do you believe in hell?  Do you really believe in hell?  Then act like it.  I'm not going to apologize for being so strict.  I think that part of the problem in our churches today is most don't preach on Hell.  They don't want to offend anyone.  I wonder what it would be like to be saved, standing in front of the great white throne on judgment day, praising God as your son or daughter, grandmother or grandfather, wife or husband, brother or sister, neighbor or co-worker are being cast into hell by God's angels?

Romans 3:23  For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God

I use the topic, "Everyone's sinned" then say the book, chapter and verse number, Romans 3:23 then the verse then repeat the book, chapter and verse number.  So last week we had, "Nobodies righteous" and this week the topic is, "Everyone's sinned"!
Nobody is righteous in the eyes of God because everyone has sinned and we have come short of God's holiness.  God can't be around unholy anything and that is why He sent His son to die for us so that His blood on the cross would cover our unholiness, be the sacrifice for sin that gives us access to the throne of grace.  That is how much God loves us.  John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life.

Study and memorize these verses.  They are short simple verses and with just a little bit of memorization techniques everyday, you can acquire another tool for the ole' Gospel toolbox.

I'm praying for you, please pray for me.

In Christ,
Brother Bill
Also known as riverrat