Thursday, October 31, 2013

Romans 10:10

Praise His Name Brethren:

Last post we introduced Romans 10:9, topic, confess and believe, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved".

Our next verse is Romans 10:10.  I use the topic "believe and confess", so just to refresh the memorization technique, we want to recite the verse, Romans 10:10, then the topic, "Believe and confess", then the verse, "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation".

I've been reading in Acts right now in my morning devotions.  There in the first five chapters are some of the greatest examples of the power that we can have if we confess with our mouth, and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead it will enable us to believe so strongly that when we confess Christ, God can move and do great things in drawing men to salvation.

Look at how Peter and John brought 5000 souls to Christ just by using these truths with the healing of the lame man at the gate.  They truly believed and their belief was so strong that they couldn't quit confessing.  Even though the religious leaders were telling them not to preach Jesus Christ.  They still went out and confessed what they believed and then were thrown into prison.  Then when the Angel came and delivered them out of the prison, they didn't go, "Whew, that was close, I thought we were going to be in there forever, come on lets get out of here before they realize we're gone".  No, they went right down to the temple and started confessing their beliefs again in front of the very people  who threw them in prison, then they were flogged and they still didn't quit and the Bible says that souls were added to the church daily. 

That is belief and that is what confession of your beliefs can produce for the Kingdom of God.  Their belief and confession was a consuming fire.  Today, most of our churches are nothing but a pile of  ashes.  I beseech you Brethren to get these verses into your beliefs and confess your beliefs and watch what can happen.  We serve the same God today who sent an angel to open prison doors back then.  The same God Peter and John believed in is the same God we believe in.  Two thousand years hasn't changed God. 

There is a story about a young couple who were out on a date and while driving in the car the woman said, "Honey, remember how when we first met, we would drive and I would sit next to you while you drove, why don't we do that anymore"?  The man looked over at her and said, "I don't know but I know that I haven't moved, I'm still sitting in the same spot"!  Its us as Christians who have changed, not God.

O.K, next time will be our last verse for the Roman highway series.  If you are just joining in on reading this blog, I would suggest going back to the first post and getting in on this from the beginning so you have the full foundation to build on.  It is about to get fun and I'm hoping all of us can use all the techniques to start revival in our families and communities.  Anyone who has some great ideas of how they witness, please share them.  My new email address is

Until next time,
The Evangelist Brother Bill
aka: River Rat

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